In parallel with the Local Music Heroes, international artists on Corneliusplatz/Königsallee will each day produce a large painting live. This will end up with a big outdoor gallery that, at the end of it all, can be admired with five pictures around the square.
L.E.T. (D/FR)
June 17
L.E.T. is an urban artist from France who, for more than 30 years, has been creating art in the public area with spray cans and stencils. He is one of the pioneers of the German scene. Since 1992, he has shaped the picture of many towns and cities, including his present-day home city of Düsseldorf. In his works, he conducts a discourse with our consumer society and fun culture.
L.E.T.'s artistic career is characterised by worldwide urban art conventions. His consistent further development as an artist was, for him, the way into the gallery. In these works, he prefers media such as canvas, cardboard and wood that are suitable for a gallery, although this has no influence on his unmistakable style.

Marc C. Woehr (D)
June 21
Marc C. Woehr began his aesthetic production more than twenty years ago on the street. The street as the smallest unit, the architecture and the city as a large structure – as a matrix, they have not let him go since then. He permeated them and examined them in all directions. The result is worth seeing: His wood reliefs have become his absolute unique selling point. From his confrontation with the art of the early 20th century, fresh and very contemporary works have been created that do not show in the slightest that the artist began his career not with a brush or crayon but with a spray can.

June 24
In his latest series of works "Human in the City", SKIO questions the situation of man in a modern world and its oppressive anonymity. In everyday life, which is becoming ever more virtual through the growing dominance of social media, his works of art reflect with their uniformity that our society imposes on people and the claim to beauty which, among other things, is forced on women. It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. SKIO intentionally leaves this out in his paintings and thus strengthens the feeling of anonymity. Through the lack of eye contact, he opens up to the observer a room in which he cannot escape the tension inherent in the pictures.
SKIO shows his human figures in surrealistically inspired architecture and also questions our place in the urban environment. He plays with the visual and with the concepts of virtual worlds. Some of his protagonists seem to wear virtual reality glasses and refer to the growing virtual aspect of our constantly changing life.
SKIO painted his first murals in 1993 in the region of Nice. Today in his works of art, SKIO mixes geometric and architectural forms with portraits that hint at sculptures. Inspired by the Bauhaus movement and surrealism, he aims for a balance between complexity and minimalism, and at the same time experiments with geometry, anatomy and colour.

Various & Gould (D/USA)
July 1
Various & Gould are crossover artists in various fields. They stand for the simple but effective formula: 1 + 1 = 3. Joint interests such as the love of paper, enthusiasm for random beauty in everyday life, and above all work in the public space form the basis for their collaboration. Screen printing and collages are their passion. In a mostly playful way, they tackle socially relevant topics such as work, migration, gender, death, globalisation, religion or the financial crisis. Their works are influenced by (political) poster graphics, Dada and Pop Art. They are noted for their marked colourfulness and an ambiguous link-up of symbols, associations and styles.

Natalia Rak (PL)
July 6
Natalia Rak's work brings, with its bright colours, wonderful compositions and the consciously adopted female perspective, a fresh breeze into the urban art movement that is becoming increasingly present worldwide. Her pictures tell stories and grip the observer with an almost magical intensity.
After completing her studies at the University for Fine Art in Lodz, Natalia Rak showed her work in the USA, France, Austria and Poland, and has been invited to many prestigious urban art festivals, at which she painted epic pictures, sometimes as high as a façade. In 2013 she won the "Artbattles" in New York.
Her mural, "Legend of giants" was voted by art magazines, alongside works from Banksy and JR, among the best five urban art works of 2013.